ANTI-COUNTERFEITINGANTICOUNTERFEITING Counterfeiting is a plague that negatively affects the international market. Non genuine products available in the market generate not attained performance expectations, thus spoiling brand image and reputation. Moreover, in the majority of countries, counterfeiting of medical devices is a crime, severely punishable by the penal law. Aware of all what above, Sterylab® S.r.l. (Rho, Milan, Italy), provides a system that allows to verify the authenticity of its medical devices easily, through your mobile phone: the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App.
HOW INSTALLING THE STERYLAB® ANTICOUNTERFEITING NFC APP Inside the primary packaging of the products with implemented anticounterfeiting verification system, you can find an insert showing the instruction for installing and using the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App.
The procedure to install the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting App is very easy and quick:
USING THE STERYLAB® ANTICOUNTERFEITING NFC APP After successful installation, you can start using the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App to verify product authenticity. At any time, it is possible to click For any use, prior secure to switch NFC on, in your device. The Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App works in background: whenever you approach your device to the product label with your mobile phone, the response on authenticity will show up, together with some following instructions, according to case. In case the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App is not showing-up any verification response, you can open the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App by pressing the icon on your mobile phone and proceed with the product verification. In this case a 15-second label check countdown is activated.
If product label includes a NFC tag and tag is not damaged/altered, every tap of a label will provide you a feedback about product authenticity. At any time, you can also press It is important to notice that, once the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App is installed in your mobile phone, you can check authenticity either online (through any internet connection) or offline (without any internet connection). Depending on your needs, the Sterylab® Anticounterfeiting NFC App can be used by physicians, nurses, personnel responsible for interventional room stock or warehouse managers. The verification is possible at any step, from warehouse reception to the very moment before the use of the device.
Here below you can find the three possible verification outcomes:
1. PRODUCT IS GENUINE If product is genuine, when reading a Sterylab® label through NFC, you will be redirected to a page confirming the authenticity and showing the related part number, manufacturing lot # and expiration date.
Checking authenticity is possible either offline and online. If you are checking online (through any internet connection) you can have access to more detailed information about the device, along with the possibility to download its brochure and IFU.
2. PRODUCT IS COUNTERFEITED If product is not genuine, when reading its label with NFC, you will be redirected to a page warning that the product is NOT genuine (not manufactured by Sterylab®), therefore you can discard it and look for a genuine device.
If product is identified as NOT GENUINE, we strongly recommend you not to use the device because it is not CE marked nor FDA/CFDA approved and there is no guarantee of its correct, efficient and safe use. Sterylab® declines any and all responsibility in the event of the use of such a device. In this case, you are kindly requested to send us a counterfeit report clicking on the button “COUNTERFEIT REPORT”, in order to help us identify the counterfeiter. We shall revert to you with our feedback as soon as possible.
3. TAG IS NOT DETECTED It is possible that the tag is not detected because damaged or because there is no tag at all.
First of all, we recommend to secure that a tag is present and, if positive, repeat the verification step again clicking on the button “CHECK AGAIN”: if, after a few attempts, there is no response from the App, please send us a counterfeit report clicking on the button “COUNTERFEIT REPORT”. As well, if no tag is detected, please send us a counterfeit report clicking on the button “COUNTERFEIT REPORT”. In this case there is no certainty that product is genuine or not: we recommend not to use it, until we revert to you with our feedback about its authenticity.
CONCLUSIONS We strongly hope that this system will make you more confident about our products’ genuineness and better help to identify and discard all counterfeited products, thus reducing the risk of using non original products on medical patients. For any further information or enquires please write by e-mail to: |